The Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers held its 22nd Annual General Meeting and International Conference tagged ‘KADA 2023’ at Command Guest Inn, Muhammadu Buhari Way, Kaduna, on October 10 – 13, 2023. The theme of the conference was “Public Private Partnership: A Tool for Sustainable Development of Nigeria’s Mining Industry”.  The conference which featured various presentations on the theme, panel discussions, opening ceremony, exhibitions, technical sessions, business meeting, excursion and tourism, awards and dinner attracted over 300 mining and mineral processing engineers, metallurgists, manufacturers, government officials, mine operators and exhibitors. It also created ample opportunities for participants to interact and network.

The conference began on Tuesday 10th October, 2023 evening with arrival of participants and Council Meeting of the Society. On the 11th October, 2023, the conference had Pre-AGM Panel Discussion on the theme “Public Private Partnership: A Tool for Sustainable Development of Nigeria’s Mining Industry”. The lead papers were received from Engr. Yusuf H. Binji, HNFSME, the MD/CEO of BUA Cement Plc, who spoke on ‘Public Private Partnership: Alh. Bashir Ahmad, HNFSME, the MD/CEO of Duwan Company Limited, who spoke on ‘Application of Technology in Managing Nigeria’s Mining Environment for Sustainable Economic Growth’; Mr. Olawale Fasanya, the D/G of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency ( SMEDAN) who spoke on Small Scale and Medium Enterprises Development for Nigeria’s Economic Growth; and  Mr. Amrit Kumar Singh, the MD/CEO of African Natural Resources and Mines, Gujeni, Kagarko LGA, Kaduna State who spoke on ‘Development of Iron Making Plant: A Case Study of African Natural Resources and Mines’. These papers were thoroughly discussed and useful contributions and recommendations were made. 

The Opening Ceremony of the AGM/ International Conference under the chairmanship of the President of the Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers, Engr. Prof. B.S. Jatau, FNSME, took place on 12th October, 2023. It received many participants from government, academia and industry. As usual it was speeches galore at the ceremony. The President of the Society, Engr. Prof. B.S. Jatau, FNSME, presented his welcome address and Dr. Henry Dele Alake, HNFSME, the Honourable Minister of Solid Minerals Development delivered his Keynote address and declared the AGM/Conference open. The Chief Host, the Executive Governor of Kaduna State who was ably represented by his deputy, Dr. Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe delivered a welcome address. At the ceremony, the latest Nigerian Mining Journals were launched and the Communique issued at the Conference was read by Secretary- General, Engr. Tony Ojile, FNSME, and then presented to Dr. Henry Dele Alake, HNFSME, the Honourable Minister of Solid Minerals Development by the President of the Society, Engr. Prof. B.S. Jatau, FNSME. The Honourable Minister of Solid Minerals Development thanked the Society and promised to look into recommendations therein. He left the ceremony not without visiting the exhibition hall where modern technology, mining and geoscientific equipment, utilities, services, products and publications were displayed.

Following the Opening Ceremony was a well-crafted technical session which received various technical papers in the field of mining, rock mechanics, minerals and metallurgical engineering, geological and Geotechnical Engineering. 

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) which took place late afternoon under the chairmanship of NSME President, Engr. Prof. B.S. Jatau, FNSME received reports from the executive officers. The President reported the result of Council’s election and called for election of six Members in Council. After the election, the membership of the Council to run the affairs of the Society for 2023/2025 professional years was named as follows:

1. Engr. Dr. Umar A. Hassan, FNSME        –       President

2. Engr. Prof. S.A. Yaro, FNSME                 –      1st Vice President

3. Engr. Tafa Abubakar                                –      2nd Vice President

4. Engr. Prof. Dungka G. Thomas, FNSME –      General Secretary

5. Engr. Henry T. Bolarinwa, FNSME              –      Asst. General Secretary

6. Engr. S. A. Agbalajobi                                   -.     Financial Secretary

7. Engr. A.M. Jimada, FNSME                          –      Treasurer

8. Engr. Chief Charles Uka                                –      Social Secretary

9. Engr. A. S. Bida, FNSME                                –      Editor-in-Chief

10. Engr. Apollos Samchi, FNSME                    –      Publicity Secretary

11. Engr. Tarfa Dzarma Garba                          –      Auditor

12. Engr. Prof. B. S Jatau, FNSME                     –      IPP

13. Engr. Tony Ojile, FNSME                              –     Fellow-in-Council

14. Engr. Mrs. A. F. Diejomaoh, FNSME           –     Fellow-in-Council

15. Engr. Abdulkadir, Usman Adam                  –     Member-in-Council

16. Engr. Dr. L. K. Salati, FNSME                        –    Member-in-Council

17. Engr. Sunday Okhuoya                                 –     Member-in-Council

18. Engr. Sikiru Haruna                                  –     Member-in-Council

19. Dr. Nuru Usaini, FNSME                          –     Member-in-Council

20. Prof. Ferdinand Asuke                             –     Member-in-Council

The AGM/Conference ended with an elegant evening dinner/Awards which offered the members the opportunity to socialize and renew old acquaintances and meet new friends.  Delicious foods and assorted drinks were served with cool music to match the occasion. At the impressive evening, the deserving members of the Society and other individuals were conferred with the prestigious Fellowship/Honorary Fellowship of our Society. Also, some distinguished members were presented with Special Award of Honor/Presidential Award in appreciation of their contributions to the development of the Nigerian mining Industry and our Society.  The President of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society, Prof. A. S. Olatunji, FNMGS was among those conferred with Honorary Fellow of our great Society. The Director General/CE of National Steel Raw Materials Exploration Agency, Mr. K. M. Ogunbiyi, FNMGS was presented with Award for his immense contributions to the minerals industry and relentless support to the Society. At the evening, newly registered members were inducted and presented with certificates and constitution of the Society.

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